I don’t know what this past year has been like for you. A lot can happen in 365 days. We experience some tremendous highs, lows and everything in between. One thing that I know for sure is that life is very fluid. The Bible speaks about the brevity of life in this way: “You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away” (James 4:14). Wow! It is quite sobering to think of life in terms like a vapor, fading flowers or withering grass! That is why I think we would all benefit by going forward into 2023 with a mindset of maximizing the moments we have every day! Every day is truly a gift and every day matters!
One of my favorite quotes is “I‘ll go anywhere as long as it is forward.” That was said by the Scottish explorer David Livingstone. He like so many others experienced many setbacks in his life. What have you learned this past year that will help going into this new year? Archibald MacLeish said, “There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience, and that is not learning from experience. “ If you are down and feel defeated turn to Jesus, the one who is victorious over death, hell and the grave. He will not only help you get up, he will empower you to go forward to face the day with joy.
Just think, we have a brand new year in front of us! There are new places to go and new people to meet! Our story is still being written. Each day is a blank page to be filled out. I have found that the pages are much more exciting and adventurous when I allow the Lord who is called “the author and finisher of our faith”to write His story for my life. It’s like we’re the pen in His hand.
The apostle Paul wrote ““Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16) It is hard to make the most of opportunity if you’re in the wrong gear. Some folks are in neutral – they aren’t too high or too low, their engine is running but they aren’t going anywhere. There are some in park – parked in the past, the past glories and triumphs longing for the days of old, parked in the past pain and defeats that keep them right where they are. There are some in reverse – going back, looking in the rear view mirror – going back to what is familiar, and going back to what is comfortable. I say let’s put it drive and press down the accelerator and let’s move forward with God’s love to be the men and women God created us to be.
I’m blessed to have the opportunity to be the pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Elizabeth City -1363 US Hwy 17 S (Southside Plaza). We worship every Sunday morning at 10:00. My email address is newhopepreacher@yahoo.com . I’m on Facebook Live every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm for “Wednesday in the Word” & also on Sundays at 10:00 am for our weekly worship service. I’m also helping with Tradewinds Media and you can reach me for that at gbrinson.tradewinds@greg