ONCE UPON TOMORROW: Harnessing the New Opportunities the Metaverse Creates

(NewsUSA) – Thirty years ago, the advent of the internet changed the world. For the first time in human history, the collected knowledge of all mankind was freely available to every man, woman, and child on the planet with the click of a few buttons.
Fifteen years ago, the world changed again with the widespread availability and adoption of smartphones that put the full power of the internet in the palm of our hands whenever we want and wherever we are.
As monumental as these advancements were, they were just the warmup for the change that’s coming next. In just a few years, we won’t think of “going on the internet” to look up information and find entertainment. Instead, we’ll already be in the internet, living, working, and playing in an endless virtual world that will turn everything we think we know about the internet on its head.
Welcome to the Metaverse.
In Once Upon Tomorrow, author and visionary tech CEO Shurick Agapitov dives deep into this new age of the internet by unpacking exactly what the Metaverse is and what it will become. It’s not about pixels and computer chips; it’s a total paradigm shift that will revolutionize how people interact, share stories, create and implement ideas, conduct business, and literally live their lives.
“Rather than just visiting a website,” Agapitov says, “you’ll be immersed in a platform of three-dimension gaming, shopping, events and socialization. You’ll be ‘visiting’ virtual destinations that take you directly to the source of your interests.”
The Metaverse will be the biggest change any of us have ever seen, and Agapitov is here to take readers by the hand and welcome them into this wild, wonderful new universe of opportunity, estimated at about $30 trillion before the end of the decade.
Agapitov, who grew up in Russian and whose own video gaming industry company Xsolla has been valued at $3 billion, envisions a future where every consumer-facing industry, from fashion to healthcare to entertainment, is transformed. If you’re an entrepreneur and you’re kicking yourself because you didn’t grab the opportunities that existed during the rise of e-commerce and the mobile internet, there’s good news for you too. The opportunities that exist today in the Metaverse are even greater.
The author delineates how:
- In the Metaverse, we will immerse ourselves in a growing global community that will change forever how we work, play, shop, and explore, and engage brands, and how we interact and literally live our lives.
- While large companies such as Nike, Adidas and Gucci are already creating their digital footprints across the Metaverse, as technology continues to become a commodity and its price declines, anyone can get into the game. Anyone has the chance to create his or her own mega brand.
- The opportunity to own “real estate” in the Metaverse is like buying land on a nearly empty beach today, developing it, and watching a massive community build around you.
Once Upon Tomorrow is available for purchase on Amazon and other popular retail outlets where books are sold. Learn more at www.onceupontomorrow.com.