Help Toys for Tots Celebrate Christmas in July

(NewsUSA) – For most, July is a time to have fun in the sun and enjoy the warmer weather. But at Toys for Tots, we’re already preparing for the 2023 Holiday Season!
Marine Toys for Tots is the Nation’s flagship children’s Christmastime charity, but the Program offers more than holiday hope. Marine Toys for Tots has expanded its reach to help children in need throughout the year, and its support has been more valuable than ever as many families struggle with inflation and continue to experience challenging circumstances.
Once again, Toys for Tots is set to bring hope and joy to children in need with the Program’s annual Christmas in July campaign, because we don’t want to wait until the holiday season to provide comfort and emotional support. With help from local nonprofits across the Nation, Toys for Tots is conducting our fourth annual Christmas in July initiative to bring the same Christmastime magic and hope to underprivileged children in July.
As we continue to provide hope and joy to children in need beyond the holiday season, we will work around the clock to keep our inventory of toys well stocked. This July, we are conducting our first ever Matching Gift Challenge—allowing the public to have twice the impact in the lives of less fortunate girls and boys. Any donation amount given during our Matching Gift Challenge will be used to create an online matching gift fund. Then, as the holiday season approaches, we’ll use that fund to match gifts from other donors, doubling your impact – and theirs!
“With every gift that is given, our generous supporters show how much they care about children who face poverty every day of the year. Between inflation and the rising cost of living, there are more children who need help than ever before,” says LtGen Jim Laster, USMC (Retired), President & CEO of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. “Santa’s boots are big ones to fill, but if anyone’s up to the task, it’s you! Your generosity helps us deliver hope for a brighter tomorrow,” he emphasizes.
The Program is a year-round force good, providing hope and emotional support whenever it’s needed most, and the support and generosity of the American public makes an extraordinary impact on the lives of struggling families and their children. That support recently had an extremely positive impact in Whitley County, Kentucky, where 7,239 toys and other gifts were provided to 2,413 children in need thanks to our partnership with the Christian Appalachian Project. Our supporters’ generosity made a significant difference to an underserved community – and we can continue to have the same powerful effect on even more communities with the American public’s tremendous support.
Celebrate Christmas in July and help Toys for Tots continue to be a year-round force for good by joining our Matching Gift Challenge today. Visit to donate today — and help us bring holiday more to even more children in need.