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The Martin County Arts Council was formed in 1975 by a group of local citizens with a love and appreciation for the arts. Operating from their physical location at 124 Washington Street, Williamston, NC, the MCAC employs a part time executive director who serves under a Board of Trustees of Martin County citizens. The MCAC offers programs, workshops, and musical and dance performance in the art center to serve all the citizens of Martin County.

Current and recent programs include:

Craft workshops for adults and children

Rotating art exhibits and judged and juried shows in the Flat Iron Gallery

Performing arts performances ranging from music to theater presented through grant funding and private donations

Arts education programs in public schools

Youth Summer Art Camps

Fun fundraising events

The Gift Shop provides a market for work by area artist in watercolor, oil and acrylic painting, pottery, baskets, jewelry, fiber art and more

Building Rental Services – The Martin County Arts Council at 124 Washington Street, Williamston, NC has rental packages for parties, dinners, meetings, receptions and more. MCAC Members receive a 10% discount. Features include in-ceiling speakers for the 5-CD/radio system, wireless internet, podium, microphone and speakers and catering kitchen for rental of the first floor. Tables and chairs are provided with rental. Call 252-789-8470 for more information and availability.

Coming up soon –

March 7 – March 27 – In-House Art Exhibit – Come by and visit our In-House Art Exhibit. Some of the art was donated with the patron’s permission to sell or auction to benefit the Martin County Arts Council.

March 18 – March 27 – Taking submissions of artwork for the 2020 MCAC Juried Fine Art Show Tuesdays – Fridays from 12-4 and Saturday, March 21. Five categories of art will be accepted – 1. Oils/Acrylics 2. Watercolors 3. Drawing (pencil, colored pencil, oil pastel, chalk pastel, pen & ink, etc.) 4. Two-Dimensional Mixed Media and 5. Three Dimensional Art (fiber arts (tapestry, basketry, wood, etc.), sculpture, pottery, jewelry, metal and glass). Cash awards include Best in Show, Best in Martin County and first place in each category. Ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in all categories. Applications and forms available at www.martincountyarts.com or stop by and pick up a copy at 124 Washington Street, Williamston, NC

April 2 – Opening Reception and Awards Presentation for the Martin County Arts Council Juried Fine Arts Show from 6:30 – 8 p.m. at the MCAC Flat Iron Building at 124 Washington Street, Williamston, NC. This is a floating reception and light refreshments will be served. No entry fee. The Show will remain on display through May 29 during regular gallery hours.

May 2 – Color Fun Run – 8:30 a.m. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. $25 adults ($30 on day of the race)/ $15 for students 8-18/Children under 8 – Free. Tickets for students 8 – 18 years old are $15; Adult ticket$25 ; Tickets day of race $30. Free T-Shirts for registrations received by April 10th. E-mail shirt size to info@martincountyarts.com or call 252-789-8470. Shirts may be purchased for children under 8 years old for $10.This is a timed race but not precision timed. Stations throughout the race will spray runners with colored washable chalk. Participants will receive inexpensive sunglasses (to protect eyes from the color). At the end of the race, water and fruit will be provided. Medals will awarded to the top runners.







Facebook: Martin County Arts Council

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